prayers and praises

? Pray for wisdom and direction for the new leadership board and for God’s leading at Shiloh.
? Pray for Les & Tonia, Tommy & Jolene. Jolene’s friend Shelly Ann gave her heart to the Lord last week!! Praise Him for His work!
? Pray for healing for Betty and Marie, Kenny, Ivan S., Nina, Bob Webb, Polly’s mom and others who are dealing with health issues daily!
? Pray for the school and the decisions that need to be made.
? Thank God for the rain this week!
? Pray for Eldon S. as he recuperates from his fall.

Youth Hosts

Aug. 2nd Frank & Shanna
Aug. 9th No Host Needed
Aug. 16th Jerry & Dianne S
Aug. 23rd Mark & Becky S


Aug. 2nd Tommy & Jeanette E
Aug. 9th Dan & Mary G
Aug. 16th Gene & Mary H
Aug. 23rd Rick & Kim H


August 20th Parent Teacher Meeting; 7:00 pm
August 24th School starts!
Sept. 3-6 Church Camping at Palmetto Bible Camp
Sept. 23-27 Fall Revivals; Denny Eicher


1. A sign up for pastor’s visits in-home will be passed around this morning. Please schedule a time when it suits your family for a short visit from our ministry team.
2. No service here this evening. The youth are invited to Frank Stoll’s home at 6:30 pm.
3. 6:15 pm Monday evening picnic and ball game. Each family needs to bring hot dogs/buns and 2 side items.
4. 6:00 am Thursday morning; men’s prayer coffee at Shiloh.
5. 6:30, 7:30, 8:30 pm Thursday evening; Wiffle Ball games at the Gym. Come; support the players, watch and be delightfully entertained!
6. School girls needing skirts for school; please talk to Kim Hershberger as soon as you can. ? Mike also reports that there are lots of used uniforms available for half the cost. If you want in on the savings, see him!
7. The school needs a good cleaning before school starts so a cleaning date is scheduled for Wednesday, August. 19th. If this date doesn’t work, please let Mike know.
8. Mike Stoltzfus’ care group is in charge of the service at Wiley Care on August 19th.